Sky Angel One 

Roy & Julia Burger
3863 E. Suffock Ave.
Kingman, Arizona 86409
Phone number:  (928) 202-4506
I have written a book called “The End of Times (Recognizing the Signs)”.  As a Christian, I am trying to teach people that they need to study the Bible on a daily basis.

​                                                                                                           List Price:  $15.00

​                                                                                                          6" x 9" (15.24 x 22.86 cm)
                                                                                                          Black & White on White Paper
                                                                                                          266 pages
​                                                                                                          ISBN-13:  978-1506188980 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
                                                                                                          ISBN-10:  1506188982
                                                                                                         BISAC:  Religion / Christian Theology / Eschatology

The book is a study of the prophecy of the end time from the Scriptures' perspective instead the authors' perspective. In fact, it is in the comparison of scriptures with scriptures that a person is able to understand the divine interpretation of the prophetic message. By doing this, comparing scriptures with scriptures, we can restrain ourselves in giving a liberal interpretation produced by the mind instead by the Word of God. In conducting a research over the myths that surround the interpretation of the end time prophecy, we learned that most of the authors who advanced private statements in regard to the prophecy, exposed more the teaching of what they wanted to teach instead of what the Bible really teaches.  

You can purchase the book through, Amazon Europe, Easte E Stre, Book Stores and Online Retailers, Libraries and Academic Instituions, Create Space Direct and Kindle


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